Sunday, May 1, 2011

All work and no baby…

Monday April 18, 2011
Makes new mommy crazy-
So Monday was my first day back at work from 12 week maternity leave. I guess it went as expected… at least I have 30 mile commute to pull myself together.  Not to mention I had to ask people NOT to talk about the baby unless they wanted the water works to start.
For the last 4 years I have been Land Planner for Pender County; and I enjoy my job. But leaving my “muffin” (Aka Hampton) was a lot more difficult than I thought. 
Our day starts early 5:30 AM for the mad dash to get all the baby gear ready for transport (which is my husband Nick). Did I mention that I am not a morning person and motherhood has not changed that. It was difficult enough for me to find the shower, clothes, keys and car in the morning without added a cute muffin into the picture.  And if 5:30 was not bad enough my husband Nick is the definition of OCD, so he wanders around the house “organizing” things. The key word being “things” nothing that would be helpful (god bless him).  Nick places these “things” in their proper places- only not to be able to find them later.  So one sleep deprived mother, walking out of the house for a 30 mile commute, crying about leaving her 1st born, has to locate baby wipes because the wipes having been “organized”.
Here is the kicker the wipes were, are and always located on…. the changing table
Happy Monday -
Loaded and ready for delivery

1 comment:

  1. Oh sweet picture of muffin....looking happy to be transported to the hous of craziness.
